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Black Advisory Hub


If you’re considering applying to the University of Cambridge at the undergraduate level, you may want to check out the resources and programmes below.


My HE+

The HE+ website brings you exciting supercurricular resources created and written by Cambridge students and academics including challenging activities, engaging videos, reflective questions and much more. Their content is aimed at school-aged students looking to go beyond the school curriculum and discover their passion for a subject.


The Alternative Prospectus

The Cambridge University Alternative Prospectus is written for students by students. It’s a resource created by current and recent students at the University of Cambridge, who give their honest opinion on their course and Colleges.


Target Oxbridge

Target Oxbridge is a free programme that aims to help Black African and Caribbean students and students of mixed race with Black African and Caribbean in the UK heritage increase their chances of getting into the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge (known jointly as Oxbridge).


Sutton Trust Summer Schools

Each year, the University partners with the Sutton Trust to deliver a range of free summer schools for prospective students who would like to learn more about studying their chosen subject at the University of Cambridge.


Get in Cambridge

Get In is designed to tackle the perception that Cambridge “is not for me” and to provide financial support to encourage members of these communities to both apply and take up offers to study at Cambridge.