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Black Advisory Hub

King's College Chapel

The University is made up of Schools, Faculties, Departments and Colleges who all contribute to your experience as a student.



Students live, eat and socialise in one of the University’s 31 autonomous Colleges. Undergraduates receive supervisions – small-group teaching sessions regarded as one of the best teaching models in the world - usually organised through their College.

When applying to the University at undergraduate level, you can choose to apply to a specific College, or make an open application which will be allocated to a College to consider. Note that the University does not recommend making an open application if you have unusual qualifications or other considerations that require particular support.

At postgraduate level, you can indicate up to two preferred Colleges on your application and are assigned a College (taking your preferences into consideration if possible) once your place is confirmed.


College A-Z



There are six Schools, each of which constitutes an administrative grouping of Faculties and other institutions. They are:

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Physical Sciences
  • Technology.

There is a Council for each School, including representatives from each of its Faculties and Departments. The Schools are then represented on the General Board.


Faculties and Departments

University Faculties organise teaching and research into individual subjects or groups of subjects. Their work is normally organised into sub-divisions called Departments.

Centres of studies are controlled by committees of management, bringing together representatives from several disciplines.

Links to all of the Schools', Faculties' and Departments' websites can be found in the Department A-Z.