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Black Advisory Hub


The Black Advisory Hub is seeking student volunteers for focus groups on the Anti-Racist Glossary, a Black student-led project established in 2020 to provide an educational resource on key race-related terms and concepts. The ARG was brought to life by Black Cambridge students who wanted to remove the sense of burden many Black students could feel having to repeatedly explain common or sensitive racial terms and concepts. 

The Hub is now seeking students from across the collegiate University to review and comment on the Glossary’s design, a selection of entry terms and key concepts. We will also encourage discussion of any student experiences of these terms and concepts during your Cambridge experience to ensure the Glossary’s relevance and authenticity 

If you’re interested in helping the Hub’s work on this educational resource, please register for a focus group here:

If you have any questions about the research, don't hesitate to get in touch with the supervising staff member of the research team, Dr Ruth Walker (

On behalf of the current Anti-Racist Glossary editorial team:
Priscilla Mensah, Tyra Amofah-Akardom, Ola Osman and Stuti Pachisia.