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Black Advisory Hub

Read more at: The Black Advisory Hub is hiring student Content Creators: Summer project work

The Black Advisory Hub is hiring student Content Creators: Summer project work

13 May 2022

The Black Advisory Hub is currently seeking five students to work on developing text and visual content to build our online presence and communications strategy. The focus will be on reviewing current website material and creating new approaches to engage with and support the needs of current Black students, both...

Read more at: We're recruiting!: Student Editors for the Black Advisory Hub Glossary project

We're recruiting!: Student Editors for the Black Advisory Hub Glossary project

6 May 2022

The Black Advisory Hub is seeking two postgraduate students to contribute to the pre-publication stage of the Glossary on racially inclusive language. The work will involve updating and editing a draft student-created Glossary, which was collaboratively designed and developed by teams of Black undergraduate students...

Read more at: Job Opportunity: Research Associate for project to close postgraduate 'offer gap' for under-represented students

Job Opportunity: Research Associate for project to close postgraduate 'offer gap' for under-represented students

20 April 2022

A new collaboration involving researchers, careers specialists and inclusive recruitment organisations aims to address the ‘offer gap’ in postgraduate admissions. This gap refers points to a gulf in application success rates which means too few people from historically marginalised, ethnic minority backgrounds are...

Read more at: The post-Windrush generation: Black British voices of resistance
post-Windrush generation poster with speaker collage

The post-Windrush generation: Black British voices of resistance

15 April 2022

Join an exciting upcoming conference on May 6th and May 7th titled: "Post-Windrush Generation: Black British Voices of Resistance" with panels chaired by Maya MacFarlane and Annoa Abekah-Mensah (HSPS), and Jenni Skinner from The Black Advisory Hub's Steering Group. Keynote speakers include Professor Paul Gilroy, Dr Maggie...

Read more at: Winning essay announced: George Bridgetower essay competition

Winning essay announced: George Bridgetower essay competition

1 April 2022

Congratulations to Maya McFarlane (3rd year HSPS) for winning to new George Bridgetower essay competition, supported by the Alexander Crummel Fund. Maya's essay responded to the prompt: “Cambridge prides itself on being a “globally diverse institution” at the forefront of social and political progress. Since Crummell’s...

Read more at: Call for student representatives for the Steering Group

Call for student representatives for the Steering Group

10 March 2022

The Black Advisory Hub is currently recruiting student representatives for our newly formed Steering Group. We welcome undergraduates and postgraduates with a commitment to enhancing Black student experiences at Cambridge and with an interest in contributing to the Hub's future programme of research, projects and events...

Read more at: Seeking Project Associate for the Black Advisory Hub

Seeking Project Associate for the Black Advisory Hub

21 October 2021

Applications are open for the role of Project Associate for the new Black Advisory Hub . The Project Associate will be responsible for coordinating the ongoing development of the Black Advisory Hub and the delivery of a range of programmes aiming to improve Black student experiences at Cambridge. They will have a...

Read more at: Seeking Black student researchers: APP PAR Cycle 3

Seeking Black student researchers: APP PAR Cycle 3

19 October 2021

Are you interested in enhancing the educational experiences of students at Cambridge? Would you like to participate as a paid co-researcher in a University-wide project? The Cambridge Centre for Teaching & Learning is now recruiting ten Black students to work across a three-month period on Cycle 3 of a "participatory...

Read more at: Black Students' Induction

Black Students' Induction

13 August 2021

The Black Advisory Hub would like to congratulate and welcome all incoming students to the University of Cambridge. We also encourage incoming Black students to look out for communications from their College about the Black Students Induction. On Friday 10th September, the new Black Advisory Hub will run an online...

Read more at: CAPE Grand Challenge: Systems and Devices for Healthcare - round 2

CAPE Grand Challenge: Systems and Devices for Healthcare - round 2

2 July 2021

Call for Expressions of Interest The CAPE Grand Challenge: Systems and Devices for Healthcare is a competition for project outlines aligned with the strategic research theme proposed by CAPE partner GSK Consumer Healthcare. The primary intent of this call is to support an initial body of work in this new Theme. The winning...